
Sonntag, 19. September 2010

German Act: Lena Meyer-Landrut

Lena won the Eurovision Song contest 2010 for Germany! It´s an european Song contest evey year. Many countrys in Europe show a act from her country and the other countrys are vote for it. The only thing, you can´t vote for your own country. These 34 countrys was thereby: Germany, Ireland. Serbia, Albania, Turkey, Finland, Slovenia, Estonia, Denmark, Spain, Slovakia, Latvia, Norway, Lithuania, Switzerland, Belgium, F.Y.R. Macedonia, Sweden, Greece, Romania, France, Ukraine, Belgium, Georgia, United Kingdom, Azerbaijan, Cyprus, Bosnia&Herzegovina, Belarus, Iceland, Russia, Portugal, Israel and Moldova.

- Satellite (live)

But I love the other acts too! 

Azerbaijan with Safura : Drip Drop (live)

Turkey with maNga : We could be the same (live)

France with Jessy Matador : Allez olla ole (live)

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